Saturday, January 9, 2016

What My Kid Ate Yesterday

My sweet son is willing to try most anything, but he has a strange pallet...

  • 6oz baby smoothie of milk, sweet potatoes puree, plain organic yogurt, and baby oatmeal
  • One banana, 12 goldfish crackers, 15 bits of scrambled egg, 2 small pieces of cheddar cheese, 3 small bits of streamed celery
  • 1 new potato
  • 7oz water
  • Unknown number of cheerios from a stash I knew nothing about in a sock under the couch
  • 4oz baby smoothie
  • 3 bites of powdered sugar doughnut
  • 50+ bits of popcorn fluffs
  • 1 medium bowl of lasagna
  • 1 smushy asparagus top
  • 8 oz of milk, carrots puree, and baby cereal

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Love You... Need Coffee

In all of my preparations for having my son, I never anticipated how poorly or little he'd sleep.

I mean, he is perfect in every other way, patient, kind, sweet, attentive, adorable, and the greatest thing ever, but he is so bad at sleep. My Fitbit is concerned that I am averaging 4.23 hours a night. I'm concerned that I am losing my grip on reality.

If it isn't the night terrors, it's the 3am play times and the 4am feedings. I used to need 8 hours a night to function. Now, I am lucky to get 5 hours a night!
If not for coffee, I don't think we'd have made it this far.

I love him so much, and to make the time we spend together quality, I need coffee....